Kawasaki Disease & Coronavirus (HCoV-NL63) We’ve learned that some of our community members have expressed concerns about a past coronavirus and Kawasaki disease. Some of you may recall several years ago researchers, Esper et al.’s announced a link between...
Ask the KD Experts: Kawasaki Disease and COVID-19 Question: Is my KD child more at risk to COVID-19 than the general population? Answer: Children who have had KD go on to be immunologically normal in their response to viruses,...
Qualifying for Disability Benefits with Kawasaki Disease By: SSD Help Twitter: @DisabilityGuide If your child has Kawasaki disease (KD) and you are finding that he or she is having difficulty in school and medical bills are piling up, you...
KD Awareness Advocates: Michael Lau My name is Dr. Michael Lau, and I’m a licensed pharmacist currently completing a Post-Graduate Year 1 (PGY-1) Residency at NYU Winthrop Hospital. Throughout the course of the year, residents complete rotations in various...
2019 Kawasaki Disease Awareness Challenge Participant Results The Foundation thanks our 2019 KDAC challenge participants. We are grateful for YOUR support and appreciate the time and energy YOU dedicated to helping raise awareness and funds for Kawasaki disease. Together...
Ask the KD Experts: Kawasaki Disease and Z Scores Question: What is a Z score? Answer: A Z score normalized for body surface area represents how much larger (or smaller) a measured coronary artery internal diameter is compared to the...
Ask the KD Experts: Kawasaki Disease an Autoimmune Disease? Question: Is Kawasaki disease an autoimmune disease? Answer: The term “autoimmune” disease is used to describe diseases in which the primary immune response is to “self.” That means that the...
Ask the KD Experts: Kawasaki Disease and Long Term Effects Question: My daughter is now 12. She had Kawasaki disease when she was four years old. After treatment and the follow-up tests, they determined that she did not suffer...
Ask the KD Experts: Kawasaki Disease and Hearing Loss Question: Our son was diagnosed with KD January 2007, he was 2 years 9 months old. After presenting with all the symptoms was treated with IVIG on the fifth day....
Ask the KD Experts: Kawasaki Disease and Calcium Testing Question: I had KD when I was 2. I am now 22 and have had several weird heart issues that they weren’t identifiable with an echo since then. I was...