KDF Newsletter Archive

KDF Newsletter Archive

KDF Newsletter | Summer 2024

In This Issue: 1. UCSD Adult Kawasaki Disease Study Needs Control Participants; 2. Cardiac Clinic at SickKids Needs Online Survey Participants; 3. Announcing the Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship Recipients; 4. Upcoming Virtual Events: Navigating Kawasaki Disease Together: A Dialogue with Experts for Patients and Caregivers; UCSD Annual Kawasaki Disease Parent Symposium; 5. Host an Online Fundraiser for KDF; 6. KDF is Hiring a Communications Intern (Stipend-Based Position); 7. KDF is Seeking Interns for the KDF Youth Fall Internship Program (Volunteer Position).


KDF Newsletter | April 2024

In This Issue: 1. 13th National Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day; 2. KD Cases Increase at Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego; 3. Pharmacogenomics of IVIG Response in KD; 4. Watch the 2023 UCSD KD Parent Symposium; 5. Paige Garnica’s Heart Surgery Story; 6. KDF Youth Highlights – Kate Xu, Daily Point of Light Awardee; 7. Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship; 8. 2024 International KD Symposium Montreal, Canada.


October 2023, Volume 1, Issue 1

In this issue: 1. KD Research Updates — KD Aneurysms & Transition of Care; 2. Dr Portman Explains How Cardiac Disease Differs Between Pediatric, Adult Patients; 3. Upcoming KD Events: 2023 UCSD KD Parent Symposium; 1st International Kawasaki Disease Registry & EUROKiDs Joint Meeting; 2024 International KD Symposium, Montreal, 4. KDF Youth Highlights – Cookies 4 Kawasaki, 5. Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship.


April 2022, Volume 1, Issue 1

In this issue: 2022 Kawasaki Disease Awareness Campaign Results; KDF Founder & President; Gregory Chin’s Retirement; Union University College of Pharmacy KD Awareness Fundraiser; KDF Youth Highlights; Lisa Connelly Case Study: Sudden Cardiac Death in Adult With Prior History of KD Without Coronary Artery Involvement; 2021 UCSD KD Parent Symposium; Take Action: Nominate a KDF Champion.


November 2020, Volume 1, Issue 1

In this issue: 2020 Kawasaki Disease Awareness Campaign Results; 2019 UCSD KD Parent Symposium; Ask the KD Experts: Study on Scarring in the Heart Muscle; Qualifying for Disability Benefits with Kawasaki Disease; In Memoriam: Donna Collins; KD Advocates: Michael Lau; KD Advocates: McKenzie Graham; Take Action: Online Fundraising.


October 2019, Volume 3, Issue 3

In this issue: 2019 KDAC: Participant Results; The “Tote Bag” Project; KD Stories: 26 Years Post KD and Healthy!; Meet Our Board Members: Karin Wicker; Take Action: Online Fundraising; Upcoming Events; Current KD Research Studies.


June 2019, Volume 2, Issue 2

In this issue: KD Stories: A Father’s Struggle; KD Awareness Challenge: Bike, Run, Walk or Hike to Help Save KD Kid’s Hearts; New KD Study at Rowley Laboratory; Meet Our Board Members: Matt Nelson; Get Involved: Online Fundraiser; Volunteer With The KDF; Upcoming Events; Current KD Research Studies.


March 2019,  Volume 1, Issue 1

In this issue: The Jekums Family: Our KD Story; New Rochelle, NY: Bringing awareness to KD; The 6th KD Summit of India/ 1st Annual Conference of the KD Society of India; Breastfeeding and vitamin D supplementation reduce the risk of Kawasaki disease in a German population-based case-control study; Health Officials Warn Parents, Doctors Of Potentially Deadly Kawasaki Disease; Meet Our Board Members: Gregory Chin, KDF President; Current KD Research Studies.


September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 1

In this issue: Latest News: Researchers Identify Potential Diagnostic Test for KD; Event Recap: International KD Symposium, Yokohama, Japan; Event Recap: KDF ‘To Save a Child’s Heart’ East Coast Gala; KD Parent Spotlight: Aubrey Shackelford; KDF Health Corner: Cheerios Applesauce Muffins Recipe; Announcements and Upcoming Events; About the KDF.


March 2014, Volume 2, Issue 2

In this issue: Letter From The President; 5th Annual To Save a Child’s Heart Gala Recap; To Save a Child’s Heart Gala Photo Gallery; 2013 Kawasaki Disease Parent Symposium at UCSD; Kawasaki Disease and Pregnant Women; Heart Healthy Recipe; Online Fundraising; 4th National Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day; CDC Petition- Start Documenting Cases of KD in The United States; Updates From The Kawasaki Disease Research Center; KD Calendar of Events and Contact Information.


October 2013, Volume 2, Issue 1

In this issue: Letter From The Editor; KD Families: Their Stories; To Save a Child’s Heart Gala Information; KD Medical News; Helping Kids Develop Healthy Habits; Heart Healthy Recipe; Meet Your KDF Board Members; KD Calendar of Events and Contact Information.


April 2012, Volume 1, Issue 4

In this issue: Letter From The Editor; Gala Recap; Kawasaki Disease: Researchers Find Surprising Link to Wind Patterns; KD Families: Their Stories; Exercise for a Better Life and A Healthier Heart!; Heart Healthy Recipes; Epidemiology of Kawasaki Disease – Worldwide Numbers; Ask The Experts; KD Calendar of Events and Contact Information.


March 2012, Volume 1, Issue 3

In this issue: Letter From The Editor; Gala Recap; Kawasaki Disease: Researchers Find Surprising Link to Wind Patterns; KD Families: Their Stories; Ask The Experts; KD Calendar of Events and Contact Information.


July 2011, Volume 1, Issue 2

In this issue: Letter From The Editor; Save the Date!; KD In The News!; KD Families: Their Stories; Ask The Experts; KD Calendar of Events and Contact Information.


March 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1

In this issue: KD Gala 2010 recap; KD Fund Event Recap & News; KD Survivors: Their Stories; Ask the Experts; KD Calendar of Events and Contact Information.


Connect with other KD Families

KDF Bridges Program

The KDF Bridges program matches families currently facing KD with trained Support Volunteers.


Find more KD information

KD Resource Center

The KDF provides access to KD research information and educational materials for parents and the medical community.


Meet Nationwide KD Researchers

KD Doctors and Researchers

Read about the work KD researchers are conducting nationwide and find out why they study KD.


Help raise KD awareness

KD Awareness Materials

Help educate other families and medical professionals about the signs and symptoms of KD.