Formal plans needed to support teens with Kawasaki disease in transition to adult care According to the American Heart Association, an increasing number of children who developed coronary artery aneurysms from Kawasaki disease are becoming adults and require transitioning...
MIS-C and KD are on the same immune response continuum as COVID-19 A recent study revealed that MIS-C and KD are on the same immune response continuum as COVID-19, with MIS-C being a more severe version of the response...
Sudden cardiac death in adult with prior history of Kawasaki disease without coronary artery involvement: A case report Lisa Connelly was 37 when she passed away from a massive heart attack on November 29, 2015. The pathology report showed...
Infliximab versus second intravenous immunoglobulin for treatment of resistant Kawasaki disease in the USA (KIDCARE): a randomised, multicentre comparative effectiveness trial Summary Background Although intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is effective therapy for Kawasaki disease, 10–20% of patients have recrudescent fever...
KD Newsletter from Dr. Jane Burns The KD Summer Newsletter from Dr. Jane C. Burns addresses updates on the Covid-19 vaccine, KD Cases in San Diego during Covid-19, and new research opportunities. Read the complete newsletter here: KD Newsletter-Summer2021....
THE DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF MULTISYSTEM INFLAMMATORY SYNDROME IN CHILDREN (MIS-C) WITH DR. ADRIANA TREMOULET Summary Four weeks after a COVID exposure, children may not be entirely in the clear. MIS-C is a post-infectious inflammatory state that affects pediatric...
Researcher: Kawasaki Disease Spike In San Diego Likely Tied To Aerosol Particles An unusual and potentially deadly disease is making a growing number of San Diego County children sick, and researchers say it’s caused by something in the air....
Fever, conjunctivitis, rash, and belly pain KD case study written by two medical doctors highlights that children with KD and prominent GI (gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea) or hepatobiliary (having to do with the liver plus...
Treatment Intensification in Patients With Kawasaki Disease and Coronary Aneurysm at Diagnosis Coronary artery aneurysms (CAA) are a serious complication of Kawasaki disease. Treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) within 10 days of fever onset reduces the risk of CAA...
Etanercept With IVIg for Acute Kawasaki Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial Dr. Michael A. Portman and colleagues have published the results of a clinical trial showing benefits by etanercept (brand name Enbrel) for Kawasaki Disease patients. The results were...