Johnny’s 1st Birthday Fundraiser for Kawasaki Disease

Johnny’s 1st Birthday Fundraiser for Kawasaki Disease

Johnny was diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease when he was eight months old. He was treated with IVIG within the first ten days and had an eight-day stay in the hospital. After eight days in the hospital, we took home our happy baby boy. Johnny was sent home on aspirin with follow up appointments within the following month.

Three and a half weeks after Johnny’s diagnosis, we took Johnny for his follow up appointments with his cardiologist and his Infectious Disease doctors. At these appointments, the cardiologist found dilation in his coronary arteries, and we were re-admitted into the hospital, this time for six days. During this stay, we discovered that Johnny has eight aneurysms on his coronary arteries…two giant, one large, two medium, and three small. Johnny was placed on blood thinners given via injections twice a day along with aspirin and weekly, monthly, and yearly check-ups.

Our goal as Johnny’s family is to raise Kawasaki Disease awareness and increase funding for research. Thank you in advance to those who donate to support our cause and our little man!


Steve Taft

January 29, 2020

Amount Donated

Deremer Family

January 26, 2020

Happy birthday...” birthday buddy”!

Amount Donated

Carrie Santilli

January 25, 2020

Happy birthday!

Amount Donated

Cheryl Seyller

January 25, 2020

Happy Birthday! Ampy Cheryl loves you!😘😘😘😘

Amount Donated

Carol Stanley

January 11, 2020

Happy 1st Birthday Johnny!!!

Amount Donated

Patricia Rankin

January 11, 2020

Happy Birthday sweet Johnny!! Love

Amount Donated

Carol Stanley

January 10, 2020

All of us that work with your poppa ask him every day how are you doing. We are thinking of you little one!!!

Amount Donated

Joanne Piel

January 9, 2020

Happy 1st Birthday Johnny! May you have many, many more!

Amount Donated

Joanne Piel

January 9, 2020

Happy 1st Birthday Johnny! May you have many, many more!

Amount Donated

Karen Posey

January 9, 2020

Rick and I are praying for Johnny daily 💜

Amount Donated

Susan McCreight

January 8, 2020

Amount Donated

Sandy & Allie Lovell

January 8, 2020

We love you, Johnny. Happy birthday!! ❤️🎂❤️🤟

Amount Donated
$1,620 of $1,000 raised
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Donation Total: $10