Ask the KD Experts: Kawasaki Disease and Hearing Loss Question: Our son was diagnosed with KD January 2007, he was 2 years 9 months old. After presenting with all the symptoms was treated with IVIG on the fifth day....
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Ask the KD Experts: Kawasaki Disease and Calcium Testing Question: I had KD when I was 2. I am now 22 and have had several weird heart issues that they weren’t identifiable with an echo since then. I was...
Ask the KD Experts: Kawasaki Disease and Vision Loss Question: I wanted to ask if you could please provide some feedback on vision loss due to KD. There’s been a story surfacing these past few days of a blind...
Ask the KD Experts: Kawasaki Disease and Vaccines Question: Hello. I was wondering if you can share any information regarding Kawasaki disease and immunizations after onset. My son is 16 years old. He had Kawasaki disease when he was...