Ask the KD Experts: Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe for children and adults with a history of Kawasaki disease?
The following update was provided by Jane Burns, M.D. Professor and Director, Kawasaki Disease Research Center.
We understand that there may be concerns over the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine in children and adults with a history of Kawasaki disease (KD). While the COVID-19 vaccine has not been approved for children under the age of 16, the medical professionals and KD experts at the Kawasaki Disease Research Center at the University of California, San Diego stated that there is no reason to think that someone who had KD would have any problem with the COVID-19 vaccine. While there is no scientific evidence that supports this recommendation, the team’s conclusion is based on years of research and extensive knowledge on KD, the immune system in KD children, and the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.
Additionally, medical observations have shown that children with a history of KD handle all vaccines appropriately. Even though the COVID-19 vaccine is an RNA-based vaccine, it should not make any difference.
Jane C. Burns, M.D.
Professor and Director, Kawasaki Disease Research Center
Dept. of Pediatrics MC 0641
UCSD School of Medicine
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093-0641