Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship – Call for Scholarship Applications Spring 2025

EXTENDED Deadline for Applications: March 7, 2025

Statement of Purpose:

The Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship (the “Scholarship”) was established by the Kawasaki Disease Foundation (KDF) to honor the life and achievements of Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki. Dr. Kawasaki made significant contributions to pediatric medicine, particularly through his research on Kawasaki Disease, which is named after him. This Scholarship aims to support and inspire students who have been accepted to or are currently enrolled in a college or institution of higher learning in the United States. It is awarded to those who demonstrate Dr. Kawasaki’s commitment to excellence, compassion, and dedication.

Goals of the Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship:

The KDF is dedicated to addressing issues related to Kawasaki Disease. The Scholarship is designed to provide financial assistance and recognition to outstanding students affected by Kawasaki Disease. The Scholarship aims to empower individuals who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement, leadership potential, and a genuine commitment to their education.

 Scholarship Information:

One (1) scholarship will be awarded to a graduating high school senior who has been accepted into a United States college or institution of higher learning and is planning to major in or enroll in classes related to the health, social, behavioral, and/or bio/medical sciences (for example, biology, chemistry, public health, healthcare administration, or in a health related/medical research field). This scholarship is also open to undergraduate students currently enrolled in a college or institution of higher learning within the United States who are majoring in one of the health and/or bio/medical sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry or in medical-related/medical research field). The selected recipient must demonstrate leadership, academic success, and have a connection to Kawasaki Disease. The recipient will receive a one-time ($5,000) scholarship. There is one (1) $5,000 scholarship available.


One (1) scholarship will be awarded to a student currently enrolled in a professional/graduate level program at a college or institution of higher learning within the United States and majoring in one of the health and/or bio/medical sciences (for example, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, healthcare administration, psychology, nurse practitioner/anesthetist, or other (bio)health related research field). The selected recipient must demonstrate leadership, academic success, and have a connection to Kawasaki Disease. The recipient will receive a one-time ($10,000) scholarship. There is one (1) $10,000 scholarship available.

The Scholarship is a lasting tribute to Dr. Kawasaki’s exceptional contributions to medicine and his unwavering dedication to the care of children. These scholarships are designed to honor Dr. Kawasaki’s memory and continue his profound impact on future generations, as he remains a source of inspiration and motivation for aspiring medical professionals.


All students applying for the Scholarship must submit an essay (1,500 words or less) speaking on their connection to Kawasaki Disease and their college plans (if a high school student) or future plans in the health and/or bio/medical sciences (for example, biology, chemistry, public health, healthcare administration, or in a health related/medical research field) (if currently enrolled in professional/graduate level college program) (for example, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, healthcare administration, psychology, nurse practitioner/anesthetist, or other (bio)health related research field). All essays will be submitted online via the Kawasaki Disease Foundation website. Recipients of each scholarship agree to have their photograph and possibly portions of their essays used on the Kawasaki Disease Foundation website and/or social media outlets for marketing purposes. All questions and suggestions concerning the program should be directed to Vanessa Gutierrez at vanessa@kdfoundation.org.

Eligibility Requirements for Graduating High School Students

Scholarship applicants must meet the following requirements:

Eligible student statuses during the 2024-2025 Academic Year only:

  1. Currently enrolled as a high school senior.
  2. A minimum high school GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  3. Accepted into a United States college or institution of higher learning and planning to major in or enroll in classes related to the health and/or bio/medical sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, or in medical related/medical research field).
  4. Demonstrated continued efforts in community service/volunteer hours (examples must be provided of these efforts either within the essay or within a separate document).
  5. Connection to Kawasaki Disease (i.e., either had KD themselves or are the family member of a KD Kid).
  6. Only U.S. citizens and permanent U.S. residents are eligible.
  7. Students must be in good standing at their current (or most recent) institution at the time of application.
  8. Students must submit a completed application by the deadline.

*NOTE: The recipient of the high school/college undergraduate-level Scholarship will be ineligible to apply for or receive the professional/graduate school-level Scholarship in the future.

Eligibility Requirements for Current College Undergraduate Students

Scholarship applicants must meet the following requirements:

Eligible student statuses during the 2024-2025 Academic Year only:

  1. Currently enrolled in a college undergraduate program and majoring in the health and/or bio/medical sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry or in medical medical-related/medical research field).
  2. A minimum 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  3. Demonstrated continued efforts in community service activity/volunteer hours (must provide examples of these efforts).
  4. Connection to Kawasaki Disease (i.e., either had KD themselves, are the family member of a KD Kid, or communicate significant reasoning behind their inspiration within Kawasaki Disease research).
  5. Student must not be a previous recipient of the Scholarship.
  6. Only U.S. citizens and permanent U.S. residents are eligible.
  7. Students must be in good standing at their current (or most recent) institution at the time of application.
  8. Students must submit a completed application by the deadline.
  9. Students who will graduate from their college program in 2025 are NOT eligible for the Scholarship.

*NOTE: The recipient of the high school/college undergraduate-level Scholarship will be ineligible to apply for or receive the professional/graduate school-level Scholarship in the future.

Eligibility Requirements for Current Professional/Graduate Level College Students

Scholarship applicants must meet the following requirements:

Eligible student statuses during the 2024-2025 Academic Year only:

  1. Currently enrolled in a graduate school program and majoring in the health and/or bio/medical sciences (e.g., medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, nurse practitioner/anesthetist, or other (bio) medical related research field).
  2. A minimum 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  3. Demonstrated continued efforts in community service activity/volunteer hours (must provide examples of these efforts).
  4. Connection to Kawasaki Disease (i.e., either had KD themselves, are the family member of a KD Kid, or communicate significant reasoning behind their inspiration within Kawasaki Disease research).
  5. Student must not be a previous recipient of the Scholarship.
  6. Only U.S. citizens and permanent U.S. residents are eligible.
  7. Students must be in good standing at their current (or most recent) institution at the time of application.
  8. Students must submit a completed application by the deadline.
  9. Students who will graduate from their college program in 2025 are NOT eligible for the Scholarship.

Scholarship Review Committee:

The KDF Scholarship Committee oversees the awarding of Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarships. The committee is composed of KDF board members and other invited reviewers. Each of these individuals possess personal experience with Kawasaki Disease or significant knowledge and interest concerning the treatment, symptoms, or research of the disease. In the event that a family member of a committee member submits a scholarship application for consideration, that committee member will step off the committee for the current year.

From the pool of applicants, the Committee will select a maximum of one (1) high school or current college undergraduate student scholarship recipient, to receive a one-time award of $5,000 AND a maximum of one (1) current college professional/graduate school program student scholarship recipient, to receive a one-time award of $10,000. The Committee will select each scholarship recipient based on the quality of the required essay and student transcripts.

Scholarship Notification/Tentative Timeline:

  1. Scholarship applications open January 26.
  2. Scholarship applications have been extended to March 7.
    • Completed scholarship applications, essays, and transcripts due by March 7.
  3. Scholarship Committee meets to review the applications from March 10 – April 4.
  4. Scholarship recipients will be notified by email in Early to Mid – April.
    • Recipients will receive a Scholarship Award Letter as well as a Scholarship Agreement Letter which the recipient will sign and return to the KDF to accept the Scholarship and its terms.
  5. Funds will be forwarded directly to the student’s institution by check.
  6. The KDF will announce the scholarship recipients on the KDF website and social media.
  7. The KDF may also release related announcements about the scholarship recipients via the foundation’s communication channels.

Application Process:

Using the Scholarship Application Form (below), those interested in applying for a Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship must submit the completed application, 1,500 words or less essay, and high school or college transcripts on or before the scholarship deadline date. Please ensure your application meets all requirements of the scholarship and includes all relevant information.

  1. Essay (1,500 words or less):
    • Describing personal connection to Kawasaki Disease, and their college plans (if a high school student) or future plans in the health and/or bio/medical sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry or in medical related/medical research field) (if currently enrolled in college/graduate school program) or career plans (if currently enrolled in professional/graduate level college program (e.g., medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, nurse practitioner/anesthetist, or other (bio) medical-related research field).
    • Describing continued efforts in community service activity/volunteer hours (must provide examples of these efforts).
  2. High School/College/Graduate School Program Transcripts
  3. Completed Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship Application

Scholarship Payment:

A single scholarship in the amount of $5,000 (for a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college undergraduate student) and a single scholarship in the amount $10,000 (for a currently enrolled professional/graduate level college student) will be awarded to the scholarship recipient. The KDF will pay the scholarship funds for each recipient directly to the college or school where the student is or will be enrolled. Funds will be dispersed by check after the recipient’s initial or ongoing enrollment in a health and/or bio/medical sciences (i.e., biology, chemistry or in medical related/medical research field) program at the college is confirmed. (If entering a college where students are not allowed to declare a major during the first year, the awardee must provide evidence of enrollment in bio/medical sciences classes before funds will be dispersed). Each institution will exclusively apply scholarship funds to the recipient’s tuition and/or fees.

About Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki

Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki was a prominent and respected Japanese pediatrician who dedicated his career to researching and treating childhood illnesses. Born in Tokyo, Japan, in 1925, he became a leading figure in pediatric medicine, earning admiration and recognition for his pioneering work in diagnosing and treating Kawasaki Disease (KD).

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Dr. Kawasaki encountered a series of cases involving children with high fever, rash, and inflammation of blood vessels. He meticulously documented and studied these cases, ultimately identifying a specific pattern and establishing KD as a distinct clinical entity.

Dr. Kawasaki’s groundbreaking work has profoundly impacted the global medical community, ensuring early recognition and effective management of this condition and improving outcomes for countless affected children. Sadly, Dr. Kawasaki passed away in June of 2020 at the age of 95. Nonetheless, his dedication to discovering the cause and treatment for KD continues to inspire many to follow in his footsteps and continue his mission.

Dr. Kawasaki’s contributions will always be remembered and appreciated by the medical community. His legacy serves as a testament to his unwavering commitment to improving the lives of children with serious illnesses.

**Scholarship Application Form – Closes on March 7, 2025**

MM slash DD slash YYYY
I am either a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident of the United States.(Required)
Only U.S. citizens and permanent U.S. residents are eligible.
I confirm that I am currently in good standing (or was in good standing) at my most recent institution.(Required)
Students must be in good standing at their current (or most recent) institution at the time of application.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
High school applicants only.
High school applicants only.
A minimum 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale is required to meet scholarship requirements.
Applicants must plan to major in or be enrolled in classes related to the health and/or bio/medical sciences (i.e., biology, chemistry, or in medical related/medical research field) to meet the scholarship requirements.
Applicants must provide examples of their community service/volunteer work in their essay to meet eligibility requirements.(Required)
Applicants must have a connection to Kawasaki Disease (i.e., either had KD themselves, are the family member of a KD Kid, or communicate significant reasoning behind their inspiration within KD research) to meet eligibility requirements.(Required)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 5 MB.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 5 MB.
      Essay of 1,500 words or less must cover the following: your personal connection to Kawasaki disease, your ongoing community service or volunteer efforts, and your college plans if you’re a high school student, or your future healthcare or biomedical science plans if you’re an undergraduate or graduate student.
      This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

      Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship

      Donate to the Scholarship Fund

      The KDF is currently accepting contributions from individuals, organizations, and foundations to support the scholarship fund.


      Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship Recipients

      See the Current Scholarship Recipients 

      The KDF Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki Memorial Scholarship recipients have been selected for the Fall 2024-Spring 2025 school year.